September 29, 2017
Here are some questions for contemplation based on Buddhism's "Eight-Fold Path." I used to have these as a separate, unlinked page on my site, but I think I want them in an easier-to-find place ... so here they are.
Right View: In what ways do I fail to see the world as it truly is? In what ways do I deceive myself or others? In what ways do I struggle against that which I cannot change and fail to notice the things which I can change?
Right Intention: Are any of my actions and thoughts motivated by hatred, anger, greed, vengefulness, impatience, selfishness, dishonesty, or fear?
Right Action: Have I failed to take actions in a situation where inaction will hurt or fail to help others? Have I done everything to the best of my ability? Have I done all that I can do today?
Right Speech: Have I said anything that could be construed to have ill intent? Have I been dishonest? Have I communicated in a passive aggressive manner (which is a form of dishonesty)?
Right Livelihood: Does my work cause (either directly or indirectly) anyone to suffer? Is my work making a positive difference in the lives of other individuals?
Right Effort: Have I put effort into contemplating and understanding these things? Have I put effort into improving my interactions with others? Have I noticed my imperfections, the recognition of which are the first step towards fixing problems — or have I assumed, yet again, that all of my actions and intentions are always right?
Right Mindfulness: Is my mind attentive to the present moment, or is it stuck worrying about the future or regretting the past?
Right Concentration: Am I properly able to focus on the things that matter, even to the exclusion of other demands on my attention?